Martin L. King Montessori Academy

Select Activity
Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
2024-2025 Sunshine Club Membership - Non-Instructional Staff B1611-159 B1611-159 2024-2025 Sunshine Club Member - Non-Instructional Staff 2nd The purpose of Sunshine is to spread positivity, boost/maintain morale, and create a supportive and enjoyable work environment. 2nd payment for membership for instructional staff is $20.00 and non-instructional is $15.00 :VPK FIXED Julien,Samantha N/A N/A N/A $15.00
2024-2025 Sunshine Club Membership - Instructional Staff B1611-160 B1611-160 2024-2025 Sunshine Club Membership - Instructional Staff 2nd The purpose of Sunshine is to spread positivity, boost/maintain morale, and create a supportive and enjoyable work environment. 2nd payment for membership for instructional staff is $20.00 and non-instructional is $15.00 :VPK FIXED Julien,Samantha N/A N/A N/A $20.00
23/24 End of Year Field Trip - Full Payment Option - IOA B1611-156 B1611-156 24/25 End of Year Field Trip - Full Payment Option - IOA This is the full payment option for the end of year Islands of Adventure Field Trip for 5th Grade. (Now also opened up to 4th grade) Limited to 50 students. First come first serve. :VPK FIXED Irving,Danielle All N/A N/A $220.00
Donate to Teachers and Staff B1611-VAR15 B1611-VAR15 Donate to Teachers and Staff This money will be used to fund our Teacher and Staff appreciation incentives and events. Thank you for your kindness and generosity! Your help is greatly appreciated. :VPK VARIABLE Irving,Danielle N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Donate to the Students of Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary B1611-VAR14 B1611-VAR14 Donate to the Students of Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary This is for the benefit of all students. If you would like for your donation to go to a specific event please leave a comment in the box provided. Thank you for your help and kindness. :VPK VARIABLE Irving,Danielle N/A N/A N/A $0.00
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